Check Out The World’s Most Insane Pool Dunk Courtesy Of The Turkish Airlines Euroleague


Check Out The World’s Most Insane Pool Dunk Courtesy of This Euroleague Commercial

For anyone who’s ever been bored with a group of friends on a summer day, this is the video for you. In a recent commercial spot from the Turkish Airlines Euroleague, several of the leagues top players got together to put together the world’s most epic pool dunk.
The commercial stars Shawn James, Kyle Hines, Robin Benzing and Sergio Rodriguez as well as many others, all working together to pull off the most epic pool dunk ever, utilizing everything at their disposal to pull it off, including water jet packs. With summer upon us, the Turkish League wanted to set the bar high for you and your friends who are destined to upload their pool dunk attempts on just about every platform of social media throughout the hot summer months.
For those of you crazy enough to try an out-do the Turkish League, Executive Producer Rob Steiner, gave a little insight on just how many moving pieces there were to make this come together.
“It’s a one-shot ad, 30 seconds. We’ve got two cranes, 12 players, four pros; all of whom have to be synchronized and choreographed perfectly.”

source: youtube